Monday, March 26, 2012

Glogster -Things I Cherish

Glogster is a way to transmit feelings and words to pictures, there you express all those things you can’t put in words. This was a great way to make people see what I value more in my life, is kind of a virtual poster to me and in here you can see much about me. Every picture or text have a different value levels to me but all I can say I would not be the same without does things.


Some description from the pictures above:

I cherish the nature but most of all I love its seasons. I like the summer Sun brush my face and the wind in my back. I like the chilly night of winter when am curl up in my bed with all the sheets and covers on top of me. The crunchy brown, yellow, and red leaves that autumn has left behind, but most of all I love spring when buds turn to perfume flowers and nature seem to be alive again.

My family is the most precious thing I have, but the interesting is the objects that have passed down such as jewelry or clothing. The thing that I cherish is the jewelry not because it fancy but the history behind it, some were passed down from my great-great grandmother (mom's family) and I often imagine how an outfit was all made because of one accessory and how many hands and awes it had pass. I just hope I put it in good use and someday my daughter would use it.

Books are as always a huge part of my life, it inspire love, imagination and the feeling that there is something else to reach for, it has a lot of different meanings but to me is like my addictive video game imagine a fantasy world were good have to fight evil in order to be proclaim the most powerful influence. This book "Halo" by Alexandra Adornetto is something that fascinated me because the love, as in many other novels, is the key to maintain strong and my belief in God and all the mighty power up in heaven, this book really makes you want to look up every Archangel and powerful demon in the book. I cherish it because it opens my mind to believe in more not only religion but in the heart and mind.

As a person grows up it soon have a thirst for his family history, some will be proud how his/her great great great great grandfather fought in battle at some point, or ashamed how his/her grandfather second cousin made people suffer. I too began to feel the need to quench it, of course you ask your family older members, look it up on google or even go to the library if necessary. My family ancestors came from Japan as ambassadors before the WWI and could not return home and as many other Japanese nobles they donate their lands for military purposes, but I just imagine how times were back then in Japan how attached they were to their country to give away their home and lands, their traditions, that are still used in my family, religions and structure. I hug my heritage because I believe I come from a country that keep close the family and the form of viewing such in the art and haikus are inspiring, making me dream.

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